
EXCLUSIVE: Police Found Bite and Bruises on Jayden James Upon Arrival at Britney Spears' Home

Usmagazine.com has learned that when police arrived at Britney Spears' Beverly Hills home on Jan. 3 to investigate her custody dispute with Kevin Federline they discovered that her youngest son, Jayden James, had at least one bite and several bruises on his body.
According to a source, the LAPD report of the incident, which ended with Spears being transported to a nearby hospital for psychiatric evaluation, says that when officers arrived that evening Spears responded by yelling at them to get out of her house. Police outside the home peered through a window and saw Spears cradling Jayden in a bathroom and observed that he was not in any immediate danger.
The source says that, though at first police threatened to break down the bathroom door, they soon learned that the door was in fact not locked and the officers were able to open the door and enter the bathroom.
After observing the bite mark and bruises on the child, police were then told by Federline's bodyguard, who had been at the home to pick up the kids, that the injuries were on Jayden before the child had even arrived at Spears' home earlier in the day, and that his older brother, Sean Preston, had actually bit him.
The source also tells Us that tests conducted on Spears at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center later that night found no evidence of drugs or alcohol in her system.
